Pastor Kerrick Butler
Good morning. Welcome to our 30 Days of Prayer devotional. Thank you so much for being involved. Something good is going to happen to you today. So expect miracles. Come on, where ever you are watching, say it out loud with me - if you are watching on social media, put it in the chat – say, “Something good is going to happen to me today.” It really is. And here is a good thing that we all get to experience - today we get to partner with God in prayer.
We are going to focus today on praying for presidents, kings, for all those who are in authority, all those who are heads of state and government from the lowest rank to the highest rank. It is so important that we pray for our civic leaders. Go to first Timothy chapter 2, verse 1-4 - and I want to share with you concerning that today.
First Timothy chapter 2, verse one says, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” So one of the things that we see here is that us experiencing a quiet and peaceable life is connected to our prayer life - us being able to reach more people for the kingdom of God is connected to our prayer life. But notice what Paul tells Timothy to pray about - for those in authority. It doesn’t say that you have to agree with what they do. It doesn’t say that you have to vote for them. It says that you are to pray for them and we cannot afford to be a prayer-less church. I’ll say it again - we cannot afford to be a prayer-less church.
We must pray for those in authority. So you pray for presidents; you pray for kings; you pray for queens; you pray for monarchs and heads of state, prime ministers, mayors, governors - whoever is the leader of your city, state, province, country, area - you lift them up in prayer and you don’t pray your political agenda. You pray, “God I pray that you grant them wisdom - that you deliver them from the plans of darkness.” You pray that God keeps them safe and protected. You pray that God sends laborers across their path to minister the Word in a way that they can receive it.
I love one of the things that Dad Hagin taught us about praying for those in authority. He said, “Pray that they will do what is best for the area and above all things, they will put God first and that they won’t be so party conscious.”
Those are some great things to pray for our political leaders today. So take that time. Pray for your leader. And then as you pray for them the things you know in your mind and heart to pray, take some time and pray in the Spirit for them as well. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in your praying today. Thank you for being a part of our 30 days of prayer. Something good is going to happen to you today. Expect miracles. I love you so much. God bless.