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DAY 11 | Pray for Those Struggling with Their Identity

Minister Kila Turner


Welcome back family to our 30 days of prayer. Today we are praying for those who are struggling with their identity. Now we all know very well that people are confused. Deception is rampant about who they really are. Now this struggle with identity doesn’t just apply to gender identity. It applies to those who are just being or acting out of character. This could happen because of what people have spoken over them, past hurts, their emotions - all kinds of things will try to shape our identity. But the good news is it can be found and it is found in Christ. Colossians 3:3 says that our lives are hid with Christ in God. So what do we pray for someone who is struggling in this area?

First of all, we want to pray that they be born again - that they receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Then after they are born again, began to pray - even before they are born again begin to pray that the eyes of their understanding are flooded with light. Ephesians chapter 1 - which we call the Ephesians prayer - it tells us that we can pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, will fill us with this Spirit of wisdom and revelation, and the knowledge of Him. So if we are discovering who we are, we have to go back to our Creator.

So pray for those that you know are struggling in this area - that they be born again, that the eyes of their understanding be flooded with light, they be filled with the knowledge of God’s will and all wisdom and understanding, and they really come to know who Christ is, who God the Father is, and then discover who they really are. So whoever you may know that is struggling in this area, pray for them, even if it is you. There’s no shame. Pray for yourself and know that we are praying for you too. God bless.



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