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DAY 16 | Pray for the Educational System

Minister Linda Burdette


Hello. My name is Linda Burdette and today is day 16 of our 30 days of prayer. Today we will be praying for our educational system and if there is anything that we need to focus on in prayer, it is our educational system.

Parents send their children to school every day with the greatest intention - to see them learn and grow into good and productive citizens. But what they may not know is that their intentions in the school’s intentions do not always match.

In most of the countries, children spend at least six hours in school per day. Now that is a whole lot of time for someone else to be influencing our children other than their parents. They are teaching them information that will impact and affect their worldview, their belief system, and even their future. They are teaching them information at a crucial time in their lives - when they are vulnerable, when they are innocent and when they are trusting. Proverbs chapter 22, verse six says, “Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Teachers are an extension of the training that our children receive at home. Therefore, we must pray for parents to be more involved in the schools. We must pray for godly teachers in the classroom. We must pray for God-fearing administrators to head our schools and we must pray for the Bible and prayer to return to the classroom. Without a doubt, our prayers can and will affect the change in our educational system. So why don’t you pray with us today - we are praying for our educational system.


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