Minister Derrick Greene
Hello to everyone near and far. My name is Pastor Derek Greene, one of the assistant pastors here at Word of Faith International Christian Center. I have the honor and privilege to pray or to discuss what our prayer topic is for the 21st day of prayer, which is prayer for the senior citizens.
Now it is not the senior citizens as in the old folks. This is senior citizens as in the wise folks because the Word of God makes clear expression concerning the elders, which is really what a senior citizen is. They are an elder of God. In Psalm 91 it says something pretty interesting, “I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.” That is the key thing for praying for an elder is that they are the ones that are running the marathon, versus the sprint. They are living the standard of what God set them in the earth to let the world know that we can live out the fullness of our days and we can do it in wisdom.
Then, of course, over in Job chapter 15, Job was in a discussion with several of his friends and he made a statement that was pretty interesting. He said, “What knowest thou, that we know not?” – meaning that he was asking them a question that we know not – meaning that the elders don’t guess at a lot of stuff. They have the wisdom of God. They listen to God and they do what God says to do. The big difference between knowledge and wisdom – a lot of young people have knowledge. They get book knowledge. They get all of that stuff and they take off and do stuff. But the elders pace themselves.
They walk in that wisdom so that when the wisdom of God comes on them, they make a conscious, spiritual decision. You don’t find elders going back and doing a whole bunch of retracting themselves. No, once they find out what God said, they do it. So that’s what we are praying for them. We are praying that they walk in that wisdom and one passage even says that the mothers and the fathers, which is still considered elders, leaves an inheritance for the children’s children. The inheritance that an elder leaves is not about dollars and cents. They leave inheritance of how to walk with God, how to spend time with God, how to do what the Lord says to do.
Then, of course, this last passage over and Ecclesiastes 7:19 says, “Wisdom strengtheneth the wise…” Because the elders are the wise ones and as they walk in wisdom, they are getting stronger. They are living out the fullness of their days and they are finishing their course. So let’s keep them lifted up in prayer and be a blessing to them so they can show us that when we get to that age we will know what to do. God bless you all and have yourself a great day in prayer.