Pastor Lee Ferguson
Hey. This is Pastor Lee Ferguson from Southfield. This is day 22 and today we are going to pray for people struggling with mental health and addictions. Let’s be honest - we live in a day and age where the enemy has designed the world where there is so much stress, so much pressure, so much anxiety.
People are stressed beyond measure in their finances, in their relationships - stressed on their job, stressed with their kids, the future, their dreams and aspirations and trying to get ahead in life and they don’t know how they are going to move forward in life. It creates this pressure in people’s minds. I describe it as the pressure cooker.
People are walking around not knowing how to move forward, feeling frustrated, feeling anxious, feeling stressed out. The enemy has bombarded the minds of people to a point now that they are dealing with such anxiety and such stress that they are turning to medication to relieve the pain that they are feeling. And because it is all mental, you don’t really see what is going on inside the person’s heart and the person’s mind.
They may look fine on the outside but on the inside their mind is a battlefield, tormented by the enemy, tormented by the unanswered questions that they have in their minds and they are looking for relief and not realizing that God has said in Isaiah 26:3 that God will keep you in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him because you trust in the Lord. That is the blueprint to coming out of your mental health issues and your addictions that you may be dealing with.
When you trust in the Lord, He is the one that has the answers to every situation that you are dealing with. He is the one that has the answers to every problem that you are facing. He knows what you need and when you need it. He is your heavenly Father and like any father that has children, they want to protect, they want to have the best for their children and God is our heavenly Father. He wants the best for you and for me.
So before you engage and take on the pressure that has been designed by the enemy, the first thing you need to do is go before the Lord - no matter what it is - if it is your finances, if it is your relationship, if it is your children, your job - no matter what it is, you have a heavenly Father that is not so high that He cannot be touched by the feelings of your infirmities. He knows exactly what you are feeling. He knows exactly what you need. And when you go before Him, just be honest. Say, “Lord I am dealing with such stress. I’m dealing with anxiety. I’m dealing with this frustration. Help me to overcome these feelings. Help me to keep my mind in a place where I am no longer being attacked by the enemy.”
The Lord will give you the resources. He will give you the tools that you need to be able to stand in these last days. We are living in the last days and the temperature of the evilness in this world has been turned up. If any of you have spiritual discernment, you know that we are living in evil times and the enemy wants to destroy humanity. But those of us who stay close to Jesus - those who say in the arms of Jesus, there is safety, there is protection, there is restoration and there is blessings in the arms of the Lord.
So my encouragement to you is to go before the Lord and pray to Him about what you are feeling. Don’t internalize it. Don’t internalize what you’re dealing with in your mind and certainly don’t turn to any type of medication to help you overcome the pressure that you are feeling. The medication is designed to keep you in a perpetual cycle of pain. God is here to heal you. He is here to restore you. If you keep your mind on Jesus, the Bible says that He will keep you in perfect peace - perfect peace despite what happens and no matter what is happening in the world and no matter what the winds and the waves may be doing in your lives. The Lord has promised you that He will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind on Him.