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DAY 22 | Pray For Your Pastor and First Lady



Hello and welcome to our 30-day prayer campaign. We are so glad that you have joined us, and todayI want to encourage you to pray for your Pastor and First Lady. You know, no matter how much or how well they are paid, appreciated, and all of those kind of things—and all of those things are good—it is through heartfelt, strategic prayer that we can truly and effectively support our pastors and first ladies so that they can be effective ministers in the hand of God. Praise the name of the Lord.

So I just want to encourage you to pray for these two beautiful people. It is extremely important. Scripture addresses inColossians chapter 1, verse 9-11—the Scripture addresses generally those who are born again in Christ Jesus, the faithful in Christ. Pastors and their wives are certainly at the top of that list.Take a look at some of the things that we are encouraged to pray for them about. Pray according to verse nine that they will be filled with the knowledge of His will and all wisdom and spiritual understandings.It is so important for pastors because we understand that untold numbers of people are ministered toby pastors and their wives. That is why it is so important to pray for them. Next pray that they will walk worthy of the Lord, meaning that they will live lives that are righteous and lives that are full of integrity.Finally pray that they will be strengthened with all might so they will be ministers that will be effective.Pray that miracles, signs, wonders will follow their word as they preach and teach.

According toEphesians chapter 3, it would be good also to pray for pastors and their wives that they will be rooted and grounded in the Word of God. You know, it is difficult to minister in the Kingdom of God if you are not filled with the love of God. Love is the economy of the Kingdom of God. So pray that your pastors will be filled with the love of God. Amen. And then finally, according to third John, pray that yourPastor and First Lady will prosper and be in health. This is so important. So thank you for joining us for this 30-day prayer campaign. And don’t forget to pray for your Pastor and First Lady.



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