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DAY 23 | Pray for Godly Laws to be Established and Ungodly Laws to be Abolished

Pastor John Ward


Praise the Lord. This is Pastor Ward from Word of Faith International Christian Center in Toronto, Canada. I am so glad to be a part of prayer and I am glad you are with us today.

Today is day 23 where we are praying for godly laws to be established and ungodly laws to be abolished. Let’s start in the book of Psalms 115:16 and it says, “The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.”

So when we pray, we understand that when we are praying for kings and all that are in authority, according to first Timothy chapter 2, we are praying for those that have influence here on the earth and those that make our laws have the ability to make godly laws or ungodly laws and God has given the mandate to people.

So it is so important to pray for people because the promise that we have when we pray is that it will go well with us - that we will lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty, for this is good and acceptable unto God. Romans chapter 13, verse one says, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” And this is talking about the Greek word exousia which is authority. So we want to pray for the authorities to walk in godly wisdom, to have fear of God in the decisions that they make.

Then James chapter 5, verse 16, the B portion tells us this, “The fervent effectual prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available.” So when we pray every single day for these authorities - for our president, for our prime minister depending on what country you live in - praying for members of our parliament or for our senators and for those that make laws in Congress or House of Representatives.

Then even on the local level praying for them that they operate in the fear of God - praying for them that they are influenced by the Word of God and that God is raising up men and women in these areas who love the Lord and who stand for God. When I was seeking about this today, I was thinking about Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and even though Israel had gone into slavery in Babylon, God used these men to influence those in the world - in Babylon - with His statues and His ways.

So as we pray for them, we want to pray for all these in authority to be influenced by God’s ways. So when you pray today, know that your prayers are working and know that God is going to answer our prayers so that good laws are being raised up and bad laws are being brought down. God bless you.


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