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DAY 23 | Pray for Godly Leadership to be Elected

Minister Linda Burdette


Hello. My name is Linda Burdette and today our prayer focuses praying for godly leaders. Today we are going to focus on the leadership of our nation. The Bible tells us that we should pray for those in authority over us. In fact in first Timothy chapter 2, verse 2, it states that we should pray, “For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” So God wants us to pray. That’s the first thing I want you to know. Why does He want us to pray? He wants us to pray so that we can have a quiet and peaceable life. Now that quiet and peaceable life is predicated on some things. One, it is predicated on the fact that we need to pray. Who are we? Believers. Every believer needs to yield their supply of the Spirit and pray. The second thing that quiet and peaceable life is predicated on is on us asking God for godly leaders. Now Proverbs chapter 29, verse two says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” We want the people of our countries to rejoice. So if you agree with me concerning that, then I want you to pray with me today. We want to pray certain things regarding our government. We want to pray that God will give us godly leaders - men and women of God who fear Him - men and women of God who obey Him - men and women of God who are filled with the Holy Spirit and that they allow the Holy Spirit to lead them in all matters. When you pray these things today, once you have exhausted your prayer language in your native language, I want you to yield to the Holy Spirit and pray some more in the Spirit because we want to pray out the perfect will of God. I want to thank you for joining us today for our devotion and let’s pray as the Bible has instructed us for godly leaders today. God bless you.


1 Comment

Clifford Lee Jackson
Clifford Lee Jackson
Jan 24, 2024

Thank you Heavenly Father for letting us pray for Godly Leadership in the workplace, etc. all other parts of the World 🌎 .In Jesus name Amen 🙏.

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