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DAY 25 | Pray for Your Military and First Responders

Evangelist Kathryn Stramler


Hello. My name is Evangelist Kate Stramler and today is our 25th day of prayer. And today we will pray for the military, the first responders, the Joint Chief of Staff, and the Department of Defense. Prayer, as you know, it is not a suggestion but a commandment. It says in first Timothy chapter 2, verses 1-4, “first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” Notice that he didn’t say, “If you want to.” It is a commandment, not a suggestion. In Romans chapter 13, verse 1, he says, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” So what does that tell you? It says that that everything on Capitol Hill, every position, everybody that is involved and deals with authority is God ordained. It didn’t have to say that you have to like what you are doing, but we do need to pray for them. So what we are going to do is and we are going to pray for the protection of these divisions. So we are going to pray for the protection of the military, the Joint Chief of Staff, and the Department of Defense. That’s number one. We are going to pray that no harm or danger will come unto them as they serve on our behalf. Number two, we will pray for the wisdom of God and the mind of Christ, and all of their decisions that are made that they do not listen to the right or the left, but that they perfectly follow the will of God in everything they do. Number three, we are going to pray for supernatural insight to do what needs to be done in every situation they encounter. Number four, we are going to pray that God sends spiritual laborers across their path that can minister to them in a way that they can receive it. So come on. Let’s not be weary in well doing because we know that we are weak if we faint not. This is kingdom business. So let’s pray.

1 Comment

Clifford Lee Jackson
Clifford Lee Jackson
Jan 26

Thank you for waking us up this morning to Pray for our Military and our First Responders. Praying for their Families to keep there their Hope and Faith alive. That their loved one will return home safely 🙏 . In Jesus name Amen 🙏.

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