Pastor Timothy Ramsay
Welcome to day 26 of 30 days of prayer. My name is Pastor Timothy Ramsay. I am the Senior Pastor at The Place of Grace UK in London, England. It is my honor to bring the devotion today.
Today we are praying for a greater manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. How many of you know that is so necessary? The gifts of the Spirit actually represent the full expression of the Lord Jesus Christ. So it is very important that we, as the body of Christ, pursue these things to represent Jesus.
In Paul’s discourse to the church in Corinthians - from first Corinthians 12 through first Corinthians 14 - you see the Apostle Paul begin to describe and elaborate and evaluate what spiritual gifts are. In first Corinthians chapter 12, verse one, we are told that Paul does not want us to be ignorant about spiritual gifts. I believe that God wants us to fully function in the operation or the manifestation of spiritual gifts.
When Paul begins to elaborate about what these gifts are, you see these nine gifts of the Spirit. You see power gifts which have things like the working of miracles. How many of you know that we need miracles today? Then we have utterance gifts. One of my favorite ones is prophecy because that reveals the will of God for someone’s life.
Then we have revelation gifts. We certainly need discerning of spirits – absolutely. About how important and how powerful is God’s word of wisdom and God’s word of knowledge? Then in first Corinthians 14, we are told, “Hey. Desires these gifts. Earnestly chase after - pursue these gifts.”
You know, as the church, we cannot afford to be dormant. We cannot afford to be stagnant. We cannot afford to have apathy or be lethargic when it comes to spiritual gifts. We have to get after it. We have to run after it. We have to pursue earnestly. We have to chase these things. And I believe that when we put our faith and walk by faith - put actions to that faith concerning spiritual gifts, we are going to see them explode in the body of Christ. Isn’t that what we are believing for?
So I want you to pray passionately today. I want you to pray earnestly today. There may be a gift of that you once walked in but it hasn’t been consistent. I want you to chase after it now. Pursue it. Learn of it. Don’t be ignorant about what God has placed in your life. And when we see this great manifestation, we are going to see more souls for the kingdom of God and ultimately that is what we want. Love you guys. Let’s pray.