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DAY 7 | Pray for Your Military Personnel and First Responders



Hey faith family! It is Pastor Matt from Faith 4Life Church in Dallas, Texas. We are going to be praying over our first responders and military personnel today. I’m going to be using the acronym PRAY for us to actually go through these things that we are going to pray over them.

The first one of them– P –we are going to pray over them protection.Psalm 91says,“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.”We are praying for God to be the refuge and the fortress of these military personnel and these first responders, as they serve the community that they have been called to.

The next one is– R –and we are going to be praying for revelation that they don’t just go off information nation that is given to them but they have revelation from God. In fact,Psalm 144says,“Praise be to theLord who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.”God can give them revelation specifically about what they are called to do and how they can move forward in the things that God has set them in.

The next thing is we are going to be praying– A –that they are anointed—that they have a special anointing from God to be able to move forward in what God has for them to do. That goes back intoPsalm 144where God trains our hands for war, our fingers for battle. For those who are called and anointed to be a first responder or military personnel—that they have revelation about what to do—that they are anointed to be able to do it.

And the last one is– Y–that they yield to the Holy Spirit—that they yield to God and that they don’t go forward in their own understanding. That goes back toPsalm 91: “I will say of the Lord – He is my refuge.He is my fortress. He is my God. In Him will I trust.”

So we are going to be praying today for protection, for revelation—that they are anointed and that they are yielding to the Holy Spirit, yielding to God in the decisions and direction that they go in life. Let’s pray together.



Clifford Lee Jackson
Clifford Lee Jackson

Good afternoon Heavenly Father, and if it's your will on this glorious day. As we are praying for all the Military personnel and everyone else. That is on the front line to protect our community, nations, and the United States. Also, God protected their Families while they were away. Guide their footsteps at every moment. And Holy Spirit warns them from the enemy. We also pray that each of them finds time to be your word daily 🙏. We are praying that in every country they go to see the light of Jesus Christ upon them and know that someplace they will enter. The people don't believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord. We are praying for a safe return home…

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